It was an attempt to combine the original lucky stars troupe with the similar action comedy ensemble from the aces go places series. It was an attempt to combine the original lucky stars troupe with the similar action comedy ensemble from the aces go places series. Directed by eric tsang. Seeking to capture powerful arms dealer the hong kong police turn to a new lucky stars team to lead the charge. It is the fourth film in the lucky stars series.
最佳福星 also known as the luckiest stars is a 1986 hong kong action comedy film directed by eric tsang it is the fourth film in the lucky stars series. Lucky stars go places chinese. Lucky stars go places 10 imdb 5 5 1h 38min 1986 r he s got the biggest case of his life assigned to take down a stolen diamond ring headed by the japanese yakuza and a band of vicious terrorists. Lucky stars go places 1986 16 1h 38m gangster movies seeking to capture a powerful arms dealer the hong kong police turn to a new lucky stars team to lead the charge. 最佳福星 also known as the luckiest stars is a 1986 hong kong action comedy film directed by eric tsang it is the fourth film in the lucky stars series.
Lucky stars go places 1986 16 1h 38m gangster movies seeking to capture a powerful arms dealer the hong kong police turn to a new lucky stars team to lead the charge. It was an attempt to combine the original lucky stars troupe with the similar action comedy ensemble from the aces go places series.